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Stephan Vernier, maskmaker for The Danish Theatre Thalia, offers courses in mask construction in paper mach? as well as other materials for larger masks or for masks with specialized purposes. The Paper mach? tchnique used is extremely durable, and creates a flexible, comfortable mask which, when properly constructed, can breathe, unlike latex and many other materials.
Added on: Jan 30, 2001 | Hits: 16283
AT: LINGUA Via della Marina, 8 57024 Marina di Castagneto Carducci (LI), ITALIA ( ITALY )
Added on: Jun 10, 2002 | Hits: 15669
by Mary Koepke Amato One rainy afternoon, my son Max turned into a bird. Not an actual live bird, of course. We had made simple bird masks out of paper, and when he put on his mask something magical happened. His arms spread out; his feet beat a wild rhythm; and his voice warbled a bold new song. My very shy three-year-old guy puffed up with power. And when he removed the mask, his face radiated intense joy, as if he?d been given wings. Since that enchanting day, masks have been as important to us as crayons or blocks. Hanging on hooks about our kitchen are more than 75 faces: pig, jackal, robot, wolf, and more. Primarily we use them to act out familiar folktales and stories of our own creation. My kids ? and other kids over for play dates ? call these improvisations "mask games."
Added on: Jan 31, 2001 | Hits: 18865
Performing in the street demands a lot of the voice. Many practitioners of street theatre deal with this aspect of performance by relying overwhelmingly on a visual presentation. We don't share that view. While there is a limit to the number of people that can hear you at any readymade site it is still feasible to present a show driven by dialogue if the performers are trained to get the best out of their voice.
Added on: Mar 20, 2001 | Hits: 16825
MASKS! introduces students to mask theatre as a powerful and exciting art form. Students see improvisations done with masks ranging from neutral masks to fantastical masks, including animals, humans, giants, and objects. UMO Ensemble also uses half-masks to explore the element of voice and conversations. The ensemble introduces each style of mask and gives a brief history of its origination. Following the performance, students will have the opportunity to ask questions and look at the masks close up.
Added on: Mar 30, 2001 | Hits: 19782
In addition to touring Trestle is committed to an extensive Education and Outreach Programme which, through workshops and residencies, enables thousands of young people and adults to participate in an arts activity every year.
Added on: Dec 27, 2000 | Hits: 16634
TheatrGROUP is a theatre company with "method" acting training on-site. It is open 24-hours, seven days a week for members. This page will lead interested individuals to descriptions of various techniques and procedures of so-called "method" acting. What you will find here is not copied from books. It's in my own words, and composed for you with definitions, analogies, descriptions and examples of this work which I am able to relate to you after studying, teaching and using it as an actor for the past 23 years. I hope you enjoy. There are many fine books about this subject, and I have listed my favorites, with descriptions of their contents at this site.
Added on: May 03, 2002 | Hits: 16014
Children. Students will: Learn about the history of the Vejigante character. Be able to distinguish between the three different interpretations of carnival in Puerto Rico and cite their influences. Discuss the influences of other cultures on their own culture. Make the papier-mach? mask the Ponce Vejigante wears. Learn about the music and dance associated with the festivals. Hold their own carnival celebration. TIME NEEDED Six 45 minute sessions (This unit could be done in conjunction with the art teacher who would conduct Parts III-V.) MATERIALS NEEDED The Legend of the Vejigante Video and Activity Book Poster board Scissors Flour Water Masking Tape Newspapers Gesso (optional) Acrylic or Poster Paints PROCEDURES Part I (45 minutes) Talk briefly about carnival as the celebration before the beginning of Lent. Discuss the roots of this ritual as a "farewell to the flesh" or giving up of meat during the fasting period. See if students can name some carnival celebrations (Mardi Gras in New Orleans, Fasching in Germany, Carnaval in Brazil). Introduce the character of the Vejigante. Post some illustrations from the activity book. Have students give descriptive words about the Vejigante (demonic, animal-like, festive, colorful, etc.) and write them on chart paper. On a map of Puerto Rico point out the three towns where celebrations are still held (Lo?za, Hatillo, and Ponce). Tell how the Spanish came to the island in 1495 and, upon discovering its wealth of natural resources, renamed it Puerto Rico or "rich port." Discuss how the Spanish, finding the island ideal for sugar cane farming (important for the rum trade), needed workers and brought slaves from Africa who settled in Lo?za. Look at the ways in which the slaves incorporated the new Catholic religion introduced to them while protecting their own African deities (through song, dance, duality of idols, etc.). Compare with the ways slaves in the southern US adapted. Listen to a tape of bomba music and hear how the African rhythms (drums, guiro) combine with Spanish instruments (cuatro, guitar). Part II (45 minutes) Tell students they will be watching a video that will illustrate some of the things they discussed in the last session and give an overview of the mask they will be making in the next session. Show the video The Legend of the Vejigante. Ask students to discuss the rituals they observed in the video. What are some other religious holidays that are also public celebrations (Easter, Halloween, Christmas)? What are the rituals and symbols associated with these holidays? Have the students try to learn one of the call and response chants found in the festivals. Hand out a page from the activity book for students to color to decorate the room. Part III (45 minutes) Hand out the poster board, scissors, templates, and masking tape. Explain that today you will construct the basic structure of the mask. Use the video to review the instructions. Play bomba music and post the illustrations to inspire the students while they work. Part IV (45 minutes) Use this session to apply the papier-mach? to the cardboard masks. Again use the video to review the procedures. Note that it is advisable to have several days between these sessions to allow sufficient drying time. Part V (45 minutes) Use this session to let the students paint and decorate their masks. Encourage them to add their individual touch. Part VI (45 minutes) Have students create their own carnival. Let the students suggest ways to make the event come alive. They could conduct a parade down the hallways, dance to bomba music, lead the call and response chants, hand out candy, chase the younger children with their vejigas, etc. Vejigante Lesson Plan ? Exit Studio 1996. Lesson Plan may be used on an individual basis at no charge. However reproduction, redistribution, or resale is strictly prohibited. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Learn More About the Vejigante Lesson Plan for "Ta?no" Learn More About the Ta?nos
Added on: Oct 09, 2002 | Hits: 15062
The School of Visual Theater trains artists in a variety of disciplines in the performing and visual arts. It is a unique institution in offering interdisciplinary studies in techniques of performance art, dance, multimedia, puppet theater and stage design. Over the course of three intensive years of study, the school provides its students with practical tools and theoretical knowledge, combining group study and performance experience. Each student receives individual instruction and guidance according to his/her needs and areas of interest
Added on: May 01, 2001 | Hits: 16849
For your next function consider using the services the Satire Workshop has to offer. Whether it be for a rally, cultural gathering, public meeting, strike, conference, cabaret, schoolroom, street stump or fund raising dinner, the Satire Workshop can come up with skits, routines, monologues and other theatre pieces to suit the focus of your event. In the South East Queensland region, the New World Order Theatre specializes in this style of theatre and carries some of these playlets in its repertoire. All of the ones listed on this page have been performed. Contact us with your requirements or questions and we'll get back to you.
Added on: Mar 20, 2001 | Hits: 16500

by Annette Chittenden , Yale-New Haven Teachers Institute "....The masks in the slide collection represent two broad groups of Native Americans: The six nations of the Iroquois and the natives of the Northwest Coast. Noticeably absent will be a discussion of the masks of the southwest. This is not due to a paucity of material, but to the sacredness of the images which prohibit photographs of many masks of the Zuni and Hopi. ....."
Added on: May 02, 2001 | Hits: 15400
The Mulberry House is a non-profit private enterprise, which began in 1974. It originated from a woman whose own child is mentally disabled. Her concept is to help the children grow and learn to stand by themselves through their talents. Through the mask artwork they are given a sense of enjoyment of life and a meaning as to why they are alive, what they too can do
Added on: Mar 29, 2003 | Hits: 17136
This web page documents the work of students attending roger williams middle school (providence, rhode island)during the 1998-1999 academic year
Added on: Apr 03, 2001 | Hits: 15027
The Masked Journey with Dr. Peggy Hunt and Bea Joy Borden July 12-14 The Masked Journey with Dr. Peggy Hunt and Bea Joy Borden July 12-14 The Shaman and The Mask have been associated for millennia. Mask dancing, visions, songs and storytelling have traditionally been important components of the ceremonial life of our ancestors. Masks representing animals, nature spirits, deities and aspects of the human experience have been used in cultures throughout the world. The mask can be a powerful instrument of transformation. The Masked Journey weekend workshop is a multi-dimmensional workshop. It is about spiritual healing, creativity, expression, and receiving our highest good. We will combine mask-making, ritual, and journeying with our spirit guides to discover creative solutions to present challenges in our lives. In this workshop we will use percussion instruments (drums, rattles, click sticks), toning and other vocal sounds in rituals of transformation. We will ask for a vision of a personal mask, and will then make the masks. We will drum and dance and journey for a personal ritual to be shown in detail how your mask is to be decorated and used. On Sunday afternoon, we will do the Power Dance of The Masks. Cost of this weekend: $285.00
Added on: Jun 05, 2002 | Hits: 14931
The Commedia School is a two year, full time, professional level actor training program founded in Stockholm 1978 by Ole Brekke. Training at the school involves the intire being, foremost the body. It was moved to Copenhagen in 1983 and attracts students from several continents. A new class starts each September. Graduates of the school are working in various performing milieu including stage, radio film cirkus, and cabaret all over the world.
Added on: Dec 30, 2000 | Hits: 16522
The Commedia School is a two year, full time, professional level actor training program based on the methods of Jacques Lecoq. Founded in Stockholm in 1978 by Ole Brekke and Carlo Mazzone-Clementi, it was moved to Copenhagen, Denmark, in 1983 and attracts students from several continents. Training at the school involves the entire being, foremost the body. Classes, which are in English, starts each September.
Added on: Aug 22, 2002 | Hits: 15817
The Bronze Works offers a fun and comprehensive workshop that introduces the magic of mask making. Students will experience techniques in creating unique masks using a variety of materials; leather, felt, plastic, latex, etc. Students will have the opportunity to work with textiles and three dimensional objects to create dynamic, one of a kind masks. In addition, they will be given background about mask making and step by step instruction of mask building is provided. There will be a limit of one mask per student.
Added on: May 19, 2001 | Hits: 15476

Augostino Dessi and his daughter, Alice, organizes courses in their historic Florentine workshop. "International mask-making workshops" (the last week of every month) on the practical techniques of mask creation.Courses open to anybody who is interested in and an enthusiast of this type of art.
Added on: Jan 16, 2001 | Hits: 18694
Course on the theory and practice of papier-mach? mask making in Florence, Italy by prof. Agostino Dess? and his doughter Alice - 5 lessons for a total of 20 hours in 5 days and follow up via web chat ? 350 material included. You can also rent a room.
Added on: Mar 15, 2004 | Hits: 16058
Classes for Adults SPRING CLASSES 2007 Six Week Session April 23 to May 29 SUMMER CLASSES 2007 Eight Week Session June 18 to Aug 17 (Off the week of July 4th) Classes for Adults MONDAY NIGHTS Adult Painting Night~7:00 to 9:30pm Tuiton $20/class plus materials Bring your own supplies and projects or we can help you put either together. Painting with advise and particular focus on color theory and visual perception. Beginners Started, Old Pros Encouraged! Master Mask Making~7:00 to 10:00pm Tuition $25/class plus materials More experienced mask makers get involved with more expensive materials, develop their own tool kit and pursue projects of their own with guidance from our resident master Jeff Semmerling. TUESDAY NIGHTS Beginner Mask Making~7:00 to 9:00pm Tuition $20/class Students learn fundamental mask construction, making masks in cardboard, Venetian Style papier mache', found objects and plaster gauze. ~ Weekend Intensives ~ SHAPING LEATHER MASKS June 16 - 17, 1:00PM to 4:30 p.m Learn the Semmerling and Schaefer methods for shaping leather masks. For twenty years Jeff and Sonja have perfected the craft. You will make and finish two to three leather masks and leave with a list of sources for materials and tools. Tuition is $200. CASTING RUBBER MASKS. July 21 -22 1:00PM to 4:30P - Tuition is $175. Learn the ins and outs of casting sculptures for rubber slip molding. Students will sculpt a small mask and cast a slip mold of it while observing the creation of full size molds and techniques of casting rubber masks and puppets. Inside Out Art Studio 2005 W. Montrose, Chicago 60618 ~ 773-697-5012 Jeff@maskartists.com ~ www.insideoutarts.us
Added on: Jun 08, 2007 | Hits: 21018
Mark Alexander, Sharon Center School, Sharon Connecticut Unit: Mexican Folk Art - Pre-Columbian Culture Lesson Plan: Paper Mache Masks/Heads Grade Level: 6 thru 8
Added on: Mar 28, 2003 | Hits: 16216
By DAVID COSTELLO Noel Camp leans into another stroke of his #7 fishtail chisel, shaving away penny-sized flakes from the basswood mask like ice cream under a warm spoon. Working with the grain, the high school sophomore removes wood chips from around the left eye, its socket still gazing off in roughhewn blindness. A chisel-pocked forehead hides details yet to be carved. Defining each facial feature will require numerous passes of the chisel, hours of sanding and a coat or two of complexion-revealing stain.
Added on: Mar 15, 2001 | Hits: 15392
Ein Wochenende mit Peter Locher Spiel mit Masken 23./24. Juni 2001, Samstag 14.00 bis 22.00 Uhr, Sonntag 9.30 bis 17.00 Uhr, EBOSA Grenchen diesem Kurs spielen wir mit expressiven Gesichtsmasken und mit einfachen Kartonmasken, die wir selber herstellen. Wir beseelen mit dem Spiel der Identifikation die verschiedensten Typen und Figuren. Die Maske erleichtert dabei die Rollen?bernahme, denn sie vertritt mit ihren ausgepr?gten Gesichtsz?gen einen ganz bestimmten Charakter. Eine ideale Weiterbildung f?r das B?hnenspiel ganz allgemein. Keine Vorkenntnisse n?tig. Spass K?rpertraining Identifikation Improvisation Grundlagen des Maskenspiels Maskenbau
Added on: Mar 29, 2001 | Hits: 17901
According to Irish legend, Ireland's patron saint - Saint Patrick - picked the shamrock as a symbol of the Trinity of the Christian church. The shamrock is worn proudly by Irish people all over the world on St. Patrick's Day - March 17. Why not try your hand at a Shamrock Mask?
Added on: May 07, 2002 | Hits: 16428