Category: Start / Teaching - workshops - education
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by Sr. Teresa Rooney, CHF and Ms. Avis McSwain great Site for teaching children.. Materials Paper, paper plates, markers, tinfoil, glitter, newspaper, feathers, paint, sequins scissors, paint brushes and plaster. Each web site gives the materials needed for the mask in question.
Added on: Apr 24, 2001 | Hits: 16198
children, 6th grade. Conducted by Mr. Olejarz
Added on: Apr 19, 2001 | Hits: 16517
MASK Taught by Jim Calder The mask reveals what the face conceals. Through the mask we are free to explore the inner world, and the external life of, ourselves and the character. Responsiveness and listening are enhanced through the work, as is the actor's sense of play. Neutral Masks, Lavel Mask (a Swiss Mask slightly past neutral), character, and Commedia Masks are used. Usually voice and text are included. 10 weeks. Once a week.
Added on: Mar 30, 2001 | Hits: 14542
A blog for people who want to wear masks to explore, trigger and make changes.
Added on: Apr 30, 2014 | Hits: 64044
Atelier f?r kreatives Malen und Kunsttherapie ( art therapy ) Wir werden einen Maskenrohling aus Ton herstellen. Dieser wird dann mit mehreren Papierschichten beklebt. Nach einigen Stunden kann die Papiermaske von dem Ton abgenommen und bemalt werden. Dann wird die Maske noch mit Stoff vollendet und passgerecht anprobiert. Diese Arbeit k?nnen Eltern und ihre Kinder gemeinsam durchf?hren. Auf Wunsch k?nnen wir noch einen vierten Samstag Nachmittag anh?ngen und uns in Maskenspiel ?ben. Dies ist eine wunderbare Sache die ganz viel Spass macht! Lassen Sie sich ?berraschen!
Added on: Nov 20, 2002 | Hits: 14535
( go see some very interesting photos ) "Masken leben in einer Welt voll Magie und Phantasie. Wer seinem K?rper eine Maske leiht, erschafft aus sich ein neues Wesen fremd und altvertraut, liebenswert und skurril, naiv, gewaltig, zart, ... Masken die wir selbst bauen, demaskieren. Innere Gesichter, Gesichter hinter dem Alltagsgesicht entstehen unter unseren H?nden. Der K?rperwahrnehmungssinn, die F?higkeit, mir meines K?rpers im Raum bewu?t zu werden lebt auf, der K?rper wird zum Ausdrucksmittel. Das Tragen einer Maske macht so einen Sprung zwischen Welten m?glich, verzaubert mich selbst und das Publikum."
Added on: Nov 20, 2002 | Hits: 15129
Danish only. Guidance for people in the church working with children.Skole/Kirke Arbejde med b?rn...Vejledning i at lave Papir og GIPS-MASKER. b?rn 3 - 6 og 6 - 12 ?r.
Added on: Nov 15, 2001 | Hits: 15209
African Pattern Masks kindergarten The students will cut and decorate their own masks. The students will study the use of masks in other cultures.
Added on: Oct 14, 2002 | Hits: 14723
Kids made beautiful masks here. We Make Masks! "To tell our stories, we make masks!" These inspiring words from the excellent instructional video, "Agayuliyararput: The Living Tradition of Yup?ik Masks"1, motivated an integrated studies project by the Third and Fourth grade Open Optional students at Willard Bowman Elementary in Anchorage, Alaska.
Added on: Jun 23, 2002 | Hits: 14516
made by by Country Day School sixth and fifth graders -an intercurricular project from Art and Social Studies-
Added on: Nov 13, 2002 | Hits: 15654
This website is the result of a collaborative project between year 13 art students from Thornhill College, Derry, and Transition year art students from both Inver College, Carraigmacross, and Lucan College, Dublin. The project consisted of two 6-week modules, in which students and staff explored ways in which to work together using ICT, under the common theme of 'Identity'. An introduction to the ICT, including web-crossing, videoconferencing, and use of digital cameras. Establish communication between students and staff Explore issues surrounding the theme of 'Identity' Design and make masks linked to the theme of 'Identity' and the students own work Create a student art gallery for the internet Continue to develop links between students and schools, exploring possible future projects
Added on: Jul 22, 2002 | Hits: 15361
Purpose of Lessonplan: 1) To become aware of the social purpose and significance of cultural artifacts such as masks. (2) To recognize the influence that stereotyping can have on one's response to artifacts of a different culture or society. (3) To explore connections between cultures and societies -- including American society -- relating to their use of masks.
Added on: Jul 22, 2002 | Hits: 14820
A presentation of original masks created by workshop participants December, 2000 One of the activities of the 2000 Maya World View Workshop was the creation of animal totem masks by participants. This page includes images of all of the masks and links to comments by the artists.
Added on: Nov 12, 2002 | Hits: 14550
Deaf and hard of hearing students of MacArthur High School, in San Antonio, Texas explored people and history through crafting masks from different times and cultures. Here is a sampling of the students' work.
Added on: Jun 24, 2002 | Hits: 14528
Yale-New Haven Teachers Institute ....MoliEre used this idea of the mask to portray his characters as always masked to some degree as to their true nature. For MoliEre, it was a human characteristic to try to appear to be more or better than one is.....
Added on: Feb 03, 2001 | Hits: 14439
Submitted by Sarah Morgan, art teacher, Broadwater Academy in Exmore, VA Materials: plastic face molds plaster cloth vaseline acetate sheets paint feathers
Added on: Jun 14, 2002 | Hits: 14565
LESSONPLAN Children will work together to create costumes and plan an animal masquerade parade. This activity will help develop social interactions and creative-thinking, fine-motor, and observation skills.
Added on: Oct 07, 2002 | Hits: 14310
This site is for a gallery of masks of different types and genres, from Commedia dell Arts to Neutral, Four Temperaments to Naiive. It also includes workshops on making and using masks, and the application of masks in psychodrama and psychotherapy.
Added on: Jun 25, 2013 | Hits: 14503
The World in Me. These masks were created by elementary, middle and high school students ... Very nice site..Beautiful masks and a story goes with each mask.
Added on: Jan 24, 2001 | Hits: 14960
Drama therapy combines the aims and techniques of drama/theatre with those of psychotherapy to treat individuals in crisis and help those with special needs to expand their quality of life. New York University was the first in the country to develop an academic program leading to a Master of Arts degree in drama therapy. The program attracts theatre professionals and educators, therapists, and those working in the fields of medicine, nursing, and special education. Students come from diverse cultural and academic backgrounds to study and apprentice with the leading professionals in the creative arts therapies. Classes are small and instruction individualized. The drama therapy program has been approved by the National Association for Drama Therapy. (See also Music Therapy in this department and Art Therapy in the Department of Art and Art Professions.)
Added on: May 21, 2002 | Hits: 14606
This summer the Bloomsburg Theatre Ensemble will again act as the host for the year 2000 Noh Training Project with internationally acclaimed Noh expert Richard Emmert. Now in its seventh summer, the Noh Training Project is a three week intensive training in the dance, chant, music, and performance history of Japanese Noh Drama.
Added on: Jan 17, 2001 | Hits: 16153
During the spring of 1997, Gina led a group of 5th and 6th grade students of Hogg Elementary School in Dallas, Texas, in making Olmec Colossal Masks. The student composition of Hogg Elementary is primarily Hispanic, and this project was intended to expose them to the natural art of their Hispanis heritage.
Added on: Mar 15, 2001 | Hits: 14160
Open Art is a one-of-a-kind arts organization that offers school residencies in puppetry and poetry, "suitcase art" for single visits, amazing giant puppets and arts events via the Open ArtMobile that travels to your location--homes, schools, art centers, museums, parades, libraries, retreats, summer camps, festivals, company picnics, home schooling groups. We provide an artist-designed and built portable interactive puppet exhibit that inspires children to create at their own pace.
Added on: Nov 16, 2002 | Hits: 15282
In Education ~ traditional and contemporary bilingual and cultural specific performances encourage greater cultural awareness and understanding of particular language and culture within the Australian LOTE (Languages Other Than English) curriculum context. We take Bilingual Performances and Residencies/Workshops to schools and institutions in metropolitan, regional, and remote areas, throughout Australia, and overseas. Languages used......English, Indonesian/Malay, Spanish, and Portuguese. In Community ~ diverse range of activities, consultancies and projects include Community Cultural Development, Community Theatre, Forum Theatre, Special Workshops and Residencies for Personal Growth and Professional Development. Cross Cultural, Multicultural, or Hybrid....Performances of Mask, Dance & Puppet Theatre are Dynamic and Vibrant.....performed at Festivals and Special Events
Added on: Feb 13, 2001 | Hits: 14713
You Will Need / Making the Masks / Using the Masks / Scenarios I use this exercise with my fourth-graders when they study Ancient Greece in Social Studies. Naturally we discuss Greek Theatre, and one of the most interesting characteristics of this form is the fact that the actors were masked. For this reason it seems natural to introduce mask work at this time, and to relate it to the Greeks. However, mask work can be used at any time in a drama curriculum, and can be just as easily tied to any of several other historical forms, including Commedia. The masks used in this lesson plan are designed to be simple to make. (They can be made in the drama classroom, ordinarily in a single period and without the help of the visual art teacher.) However, if you have more time or an art teacher who wants to get involved, there is no reason you shouldn't make more solid or elaborate masks........ Matt Buchanan
Added on: Jul 24, 2002 | Hits: 14603