Category: Start / Mask organizations / webcommunities / portals etc.
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France - Giant Puppet Organisation
Added on: Nov 09, 2002 | Hits: 24669
Not a maskorganisation - but still a rich resource and inspiration for maskmakers.The Association of Lifecasters International (ALI) is an organization of professional and amateur life casting artists and sculptors, life casting enthusiasts and life casting material suppliers. The goal of the Association of Lifecasters International is to promote the art of life casting worldwide and to provide a standard and level of professionalism within our field on which the art community can rely Outstanding for material - supply as well.
Added on: Jun 14, 2002 | Hits: 24884
The Founders personal site
Added on: Mar 30, 2001 | Hits: 29109
(MMW: We find this site relevant to lots of maskmakers) The Community Arts Network (CAN) project promotes information exchange, research and critical dialogue within the field of community-based arts, that is, art made as a voice and a force within a specific community of place, spirit or tradition. The CAN project is designed and managed by a partnership of Art in the Public Interest, a national nonprofit organization, and The Virginia Tech Department of Theatre Arts' Consortium for the Study of Theatre and Community. APINews - a frequent newsletter reporting items of interest in the field of community-based arts throughout the United States and elsewhere. It is edited by Linda Frye Burnham and Steven Durland, co-directors of API and former editors of High Performance magazine. APInews is available online and through free email subscription. The CAN Reading Room - an online repository of articles, essays and other written materials. CAN Recommended Links - Links to general information sites of interest to the field. CAN Conversations - A place to share your thoughts, participate in conversations, ask questions, and see what's on other people's minds.
Added on: Oct 07, 2002 | Hits: 24875
An ongoing site with articles and links on Jesters, Fools, Clowns, Harlequins, Tricksters, Punsters and Buffoons as they apply to the Middle Ages and the SCA
Added on: Apr 12, 2001 | Hits: 28103
A group open to anyone who loves masks. Features 5 creatiouns from a new artist each week. Artists are also featured on Pinterest. Why not have something lovely in your news feed?
Added on: Oct 10, 2013 | Hits: 56259
LINKS TO MANY FABULOUS GERMAN MASKGROUPS HERE: " Der Spiegel des Narren gilt als Sinnbild der Eitelkeit, der Ichbezogenheit und Selbstliebe und damit der fehlenden N?chstenliebe und Ignoranz gegen?ber Gott ? nach sp?tmittelalterlicher ?berzeugung der Kern aller Narrheit ?, aber auch als Mittel der Selbsterkenntnis der eigenen Torheit und Hinf?lligkeit, womit zugleich der Sinnzusammenhang zwischen Narrheit und Verg?nglichkeit verdeutlicht wird. Der Narr h?lt einer Welt voller Narren den Spiegel vor, damit sie darin ihre Verkehrtheit erkenne."
Added on: Nov 22, 2002 | Hits: 24147
A Directory of resources about Participation Theatre, Theatre for Social Change, "Theatre of the Oppressed", and Therapeutic Theatre. This site is maintained by Donn B. Murphy, Ph.D. Professor of Theatre Emeritus Art, Music & Theatre Department, Georgetown University, Washington, DC, 20057
Added on: Oct 10, 2002 | Hits: 24906
Welcome to Stiltwalker.com, home of Stilt Walking, Giant Puppets, Entertainment, Clowns on stilts, World Records and everything stilt related.
Added on: Oct 07, 2002 | Hits: 25908
Well over 2,000 unique links !! Reference | Museums | History | Topics | Ethnic | Theatrical /Organizations | Events | Schools | Instructions Halloween | Other Lists/ Materials | Accessories | Costumes "Welcome to The Costume Page, my personal library of costume and costuming-related links. I'm sharing it for the benefit of those who study and/or make costumes: costumers, students, historical re-enactors, science fiction fans, professionals, amateurs, dancers, theatrical costumers, trick-or-treaters, writers, researchers, and all those interested in fashion, textile art, and costume history. There are well over 2,000 unique links listed on these pages. Some of them cover more than one area of interest. I recommend that you browse through all sections of The Costume Page if you don't immediately find what you're seeking. I've tried to cross-reference where possible, but you're likely to find some additional gems if you dig! "
Added on: Oct 20, 2002 | Hits: 24871
The mission of the Global Art Project (GAP) is to spread world peace by promoting tolerance and non-violence through art. The Project expresses the idea: We Are All One. People of all ages and from all around the world who choose to participate each create a work of art expressing their vision of global unity. The art is displayed locally in each participant's community. Global Art Project then organizes an international exchange by matching participants group-to-group and individual-to-individual. The exchange occurs April 23-30 biennially, resulting in thousands of people sending messages of Peace and unity around the globe at one time--visions of unity simultaneously encircling the earth. The art is sent as a gift of global friendship and exhibited in the receiving community. Participants may send slides and documentation of the art created and of the people who came together to create the art to the GAP Art Bank. Global Art Project exhibitions, books, slide presentations, and this Web site give people an opportunity to experience visions of Peace and unity created by individuals from diverse cultures around the world. Another element of the Project Let's All Join Hands was added in 98. People are invited to send a paper outline of their hand with their name, country, and wish for global peace, love and friendship on it to the Global Art Project. The hands may be created and sent to GAP at any time. Volunteers in Tucson string the hands together as a visual expression of the thousands of people who join their energy together to create Peace. The paper hands are exhibited as a source of inspiration and a book of paper hands The Handbook for Peace is planned for publication.
Added on: Dec 25, 2005 | Hits: 28741
Our masks are not only powerful instruments of transformation, they are practical instruments for actors and theatre instructors, affordable and durable as well as theatrically dynamic and artfully designed. We offer Commedia Masks, Basel and Larvel Masks, Neutral Masks, Character Masks inspired by Libby Appel, Greek and Japanese Masks, as well as custom masks and mask workshops. Most of our masks are made from neoprene and latex rubber, though we also offer custom carved wooden masks. Craig Jacobrown has studied mask-making and mask theatre through apprenticeships with Balinese Mask Artist, IB Sutarja; NW Coast Native Mask Artists, Chief Henry Seaweed and Duane Pasco; as well as training in the LeCoq and Libby Appel tradition. He has performed, taught and conducted theatre workshops in colleges and theatres for over twenty years. Zann is a professional visual artist and often collaborates with Craig on mask painting and design.
Added on: Apr 20, 2006 | Hits: 24317
Excellent large website with lots of information and photos and guides. Also about Commedia Dell Arte Tradition.The creators own masks are exhibited and for sale. Booklist. Weblinks.
Added on: Oct 20, 2002 | Hits: 24466
Not only for masks of course - yet many artists and guides are to be found here: Links to Artists' Websites Links to Tools, Schools, books and More A forum for discussion and questions
Added on: Oct 03, 2002 | Hits: 24191