Category: Start / Maskmakers
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I began making masks in 1980. I have respected original traditions from the start. Even thou I have a wide range of types and decorations, from traditional carnival masks and italian comedy art, to modern art types, I personally prefer those traditionally meant for canival and a character representation. Besides the mask creations I have explored techniches and materials that allows me to experiment in a way that my work can be identified for it's personal recognisable style.
Added on: Feb 10, 2003 | Hits: 30354
Bijan designs beautiful unique Venetian style masks, including Commedia dell'Arte, and Sculptural pieces treasured by collectors worldwide. The little shop in Piazza Pitti, by the Pitti Palace Museum in Florence, was originally that of Prof.Agostino Dessi/Alice le Maschere. No one can forget seeing the hundreds of shining gold, silver, and painted masks hanging from the walls and ceilings. While teaching maskmaking to UCLA drama students in Florence, Wendy Steen-Olsen discovered Bijan's incredible masks and wanted to make them available in the USA, and for mask lovers everywhere, so Florentine Masks was born. Masks are very collectible and many have fine drawings, etchings, and painting of Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo etc.. See "Florentine Masks"
Added on: Jan 01, 2003 | Hits: 23794
the german woodcarver and maskmaker Christian Schweiger invites you to his atelier, a century old circuswaggon...
Added on: Dec 14, 2002 | Hits: 14649
Arttherapy,Performances, Exhibitions, Workshops, Education. Jeder Mensch kann im k?nstlerischen Handeln das heilende Element erfahren: In der ganzen Menschheitsgeschichte, in allen Kulturen wurde Kunst immer in Zusammenhang mit Heilen gebracht. Rhytmische, t?nzerische, theatralische Elemente, Masken, Skulpturen, Bilder, Musik, Poesie sind urspr?nglich Ausdruck von Heilritualen.
Added on: Nov 21, 2002 | Hits: 14097
Theater Masks.com offers custom theater masks for productions, teaching and decorative use, original masks for sale, workshops and residencies.
Added on: Nov 16, 2002 | Hits: 20382
" I would like to share these masks that Stormy, my Fall/Winter-season intern made at the end of her internship, and since then. I think her work is absolutely fantastic, and I want you all to tell her how much you like it too. :) " Goblin Art
Added on: Oct 04, 2002 | Hits: 15361
Director, Actor, Maskmaker " I began working as a sculptor by making masks for theatre productions. I have since explored many other subjects but I always come back to sculpting faces and masks. Faces are the most fascinating subjects for me. A face can be exaggerated, distorted or reduced to it's simplest form and still be recognizable. When you are sculpting a face you are speaking in a visual language that everyone on the planet can understand. Simply by changing the tilt of an eyebrow I can change the feeling of a mask "
Added on: Oct 04, 2002 | Hits: 27273
Body Suits - Giant Puppets - Walk Abouts.
Added on: Sep 08, 2002 | Hits: 24860
Mask maker / designer - Puppet maker / designer - Set and costume designer - Out of the ordinary props made to order - Puppeteer and puppet director - Puppet maker / designer - "Walkabout" puppeteer in street theatre, theme park or museum environments in contemporary or various period costumes
Added on: Sep 08, 2002 | Hits: 25017
Zarco, a native Arizonan, is a mask maker, muralist, sculptor, painter, musician, and community arts advocate. He has exhibited throughout Mexico and the U.S. Zarco has blended Japanese, Balinese, and Chicano techniques into this play to create his own unique style of performance art.
Added on: Jun 11, 2002 | Hits: 15594
website under construction. Lindsay has a BA in Art History and Practice as well as a B.S. in Anthropology from Northwestern University. She spent 2 years in Niger, West Africa where she studied with traditional wood-workers, mask-makers, batik artists and silversmiths. Rust has collaborated with BOXTALES on numerous mask and theater projects. In 2000, BOXTALES invited Rust to design the visual world for Jambo Watoto - a collection of East and West African tales. Much of the work that she completed for Jambo was influenced by her experiences living and working in Niger, West Africa from 1996 to 19'98. Most recently, Rust collaborated with Boxtales on Waters of the Earth: Multicultural Tales of the Sea. Designed to depict various characters from seafaring mythologies around the world, this collection of masks and props reflects Rust's continually developing artistic style.
Added on: Jun 09, 2002 | Hits: 14935
Fortgang, Helaine- Gonzalez, Julia Guadalupe - Guerrero, Zarco - Ellery, Barry - Linares, - Ramos Joe - Sandoval, Javier are showing their work here.
Added on: Jun 03, 2002 | Hits: 14794
The story behind these theatermasks is inspired by pressecion (an astronomical greatness) in relation to the ancient greeks which where (one of) the first to use masks to emphasize a character to stand out in a large crowd (at amphitheatres).
Added on: Jun 03, 2002 | Hits: 14757
Each character has a mask, or persona, whether they have a physical constructed mask on their face or not. For example, the lovers' masks are the painted faces of the actors. A mask has no past, it lives in the present. They are not effected by the events on stage. In other words, they never change. An actor's hands never touch the mask. Nothing can interfere with the gaze, the facial expression, of the mask. The mask is the center of the character. It drives the character and leads all action.
Added on: Jun 02, 2002 | Hits: 14768
Mask making is another of my life long passions. My masks are original works which are often influenced by masks from other cultures. Because masks can function as transformational tools, I make only wearable masks that are comfortable to use for all types of performance work. (You can also see some of my work displayed at masks.org.)
Added on: May 30, 2002 | Hits: 15236
Kai's wonderful art pieces are reminiscent of fairytale daydreams and unforgettable nightmares. Whether whimsical or scary, his fascinating images possess dramatic presence and incite imagination. Much attention is given to the refinement of composition and subtle detail in every disguise. Abundant feathers and bright colors project elements of delicate boldness. Jeweled and reflective surfaces dance with the light. Wherever worn or displayed, KaiMasks command attention, elicit admiration and engage conversation. Hide behind a KaiMask and enter the dimension called FANTASY...
Added on: May 30, 2002 | Hits: 14890
Kuniko?s performance is dramatic Japanese Storytelling of myths and fables plus social ideas designed to educate and entertain. The combination of traditional Japanese music, hand crafted masks, highly stylized movement and a touch of magic make this a performance appealing to all grade levels.A native of Japan, Kuniko Yamamoto received her Bachelor of psychology from Otani University of Kyoto, Japan in 1983. Started performing professionally in her hometown of Osaka where she grew up studying traditional dance, music and theater. She has received national exposure performing Japanese Storytelling at the Silk Road International Exposition and on Kansai National TV in 1985. The following year Kuniko traveled to the United States to study with Tony Montanaro, highly respected mime and actor. Then three years after, began touring with Faulkner Light Theater where she helped present lavish stage illusions and brought ancient tales to life with shadows and magic. For the next five years she has performed constantly in theaters, elementary schools, colleges, and festivals across the country.
Added on: May 26, 2002 | Hits: 14804
Doug Fountain embodies the spirit and the power of the Great American Indian. A direct descendant of the legendary Chief Sitting Bull, Doug's family are proud members of the Devil's Lake Dakota Sioux. This distinguished legacy uniquely enables this extraordinary artist to use the knowledge and wisdom of his heritage to create his spectacular, one-of-a-kind, original Native American art.
Added on: May 24, 2002 | Hits: 24504
Quite litterally: Singing masks. Composer and maskmaker just go take a look! This is fabulous. "Much of the power and impact of Lowrey's work comes from the combination of archetypal material (in the appearance of the masks, gestures, and the sounds of water, percussion, and voice) and the collective participation of the audience. The pieces drew the listeners into various modes of parrticipation in a structurally strong and rightly intuitive flow of events. In that envelope of dreamtime, we listeners experienced a collective deep consciousness. This is music that transforms and heals."
Added on: May 23, 2002 | Hits: 14743
Lucrecia Novoa studied Fine Arts in University of Chile and the Massachusetts College of Arts In 1996, Lucrecia attended the Art of the Mask course offered by Eric Bornstein. This was a turning point in her career. Under Eric's patient guidance, she learned not only techniques of mask masking but also how to mold gestures and expressions into the masks. In the process of creating them, Lucrecia was forced to look at her self in the mirror constantly. What she found was the recollection of past anxieties, frustrations and anger. That's why her first masks were very dark
Added on: May 21, 2002 | Hits: 14403
Katja has been making maks and costumes since 1992. She uses a variety of methods: paper mache mask over a clay mold, wire based paper mache helmet masks and wire based cloth masks using natural materials like bark or rafia. Since 1995 she has studied with Eric Bornstein and works with 'Behind the Mask Theater' doing outdoor events like First Night.
Added on: May 21, 2002 | Hits: 14325
Eric Bornstein is one of the United States' leading maskmakers. He studied maskmaking with Agung Suardana in Bali, Donato Sartori in Italy, and has developed his own unique approach to maskmaking and mask performance. Eric has worked as an actor, dancer and teacher, and has been designing masks professionally since 1982. He is the founder of Behind The Mask and Behind The Mask Theatre
Added on: May 21, 2002 | Hits: 14435
Linda Bucheli trained in visual arts in Quito in Equador & the Nansen Academy in Norway before becoming Wolf + Water Arts Company?s mask maker. She also works with the company as a designer & workshop facilitator, especially with children & people with learning difficulties. To see samples of Linda's masks please click here.
Added on: May 16, 2002 | Hits: 14386
Each Powermask is made from the wood of the Queen Palm that grows in South West Florida. As the artist feels each piece of palm wood she holds it until she senses the essence or the spirit of the wood. A story and/or lessons about life are taught through the use of etchings and multi colored paintings. Those who are engaged in their own desire for improvement and spiritual growth can use the Power Masks as an adjunct tool/technique for meditation and visualization. The artist feels the Masks can be helpful in trying to reduce the stress of daily life.
Added on: May 12, 2002 | Hits: 15667