Category: Start / Maskmakers
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Kephart Taiz is an art educator, sculptor, and performance artist. He originated the Taiz Life Mask Casting System and facilitates mask-making and portraiture workshops for people of all ages. He also creates performance art that incorporates his innovative costuming with live music, stilt-walking, and dance. He has performed at venues in Arizona, California, and New Mexico and regularly appears with the Rhythm of Life dance ensemble.
Added on: Apr 28, 2003 | Hits: 14767
"As a member of the Isleta Pueblo, located approximately 15 miles south of Albuquerque, New Mexico and the Indian Arts and Crafts Association, I strive to bring to you the finest quality authentic American Indian Art that I can create."
Added on: Jan 24, 2001 | Hits: 14768
Each character has a mask, or persona, whether they have a physical constructed mask on their face or not. For example, the lovers' masks are the painted faces of the actors. A mask has no past, it lives in the present. They are not effected by the events on stage. In other words, they never change. An actor's hands never touch the mask. Nothing can interfere with the gaze, the facial expression, of the mask. The mask is the center of the character. It drives the character and leads all action.
Added on: Jun 02, 2002 | Hits: 14768
We have been making the masks & the dolls in New Orleans for 16 years now. All our custom made dolls & masks are tastefully designed by us . We could make any color, any size & any design that you desire . We have carefully designed our unique hand made masks and dolls with reasonable prices.
Added on: Apr 09, 2001 | Hits: 14775
Samhain, Carnivale, Mardi Gras and costumed masquerade ball masks. Artist C. Walton.
Added on: May 10, 2002 | Hits: 14781
Vendita e Laboratorio Artigianale di Maschere ... "Handmade mask production and sell made of papier mach?, leather and ceramics, for carnival, theatre and interior decoration. Tipycal venitian objects creation and decoration wood handmaden. Necklaces, drowings and sculptures by request."
Added on: Apr 26, 2001 | Hits: 14790
Fortgang, Helaine- Gonzalez, Julia Guadalupe - Guerrero, Zarco - Ellery, Barry - Linares, - Ramos Joe - Sandoval, Javier are showing their work here.
Added on: Jun 03, 2002 | Hits: 14794
With deep gratitude to the Universal Spirit for its guidance and illuminating love and to our many students who have shared with open hearts, courage and joy in this BodyMindSpirit process. In the spirit of aloha, Kaleo The spirit of the islands is the gentle wind.Born and raised in Hawai'i, Kaleo received a Bachelor of Fine Arts at the University of Hawai'i. He received a Masters in Studio Art at the University of New Mexico and also became a Certified Fine Art Lithographer from the prestigious Tamarind Institute. As a Certified Acupressurist in the Bay Area he integrates oriental bodywork and massage with his 25-year BodyMindSpirit practices of T'ai Chi, Chi Gung and art.
Added on: Jan 27, 2001 | Hits: 14804
Kuniko?s performance is dramatic Japanese Storytelling of myths and fables plus social ideas designed to educate and entertain. The combination of traditional Japanese music, hand crafted masks, highly stylized movement and a touch of magic make this a performance appealing to all grade levels.A native of Japan, Kuniko Yamamoto received her Bachelor of psychology from Otani University of Kyoto, Japan in 1983. Started performing professionally in her hometown of Osaka where she grew up studying traditional dance, music and theater. She has received national exposure performing Japanese Storytelling at the Silk Road International Exposition and on Kansai National TV in 1985. The following year Kuniko traveled to the United States to study with Tony Montanaro, highly respected mime and actor. Then three years after, began touring with Faulkner Light Theater where she helped present lavish stage illusions and brought ancient tales to life with shadows and magic. For the next five years she has performed constantly in theaters, elementary schools, colleges, and festivals across the country.
Added on: May 26, 2002 | Hits: 14804
Artisanat d'art > Quelques-unes de ses r?alisations : masques, sculptures, meubles et marqueterie. Tarifs en ligne.
Added on: Feb 11, 2001 | Hits: 14826
Beautiful Venetian masks. "As an Art Shaman, Farago conjures a world of drama, irony, and whimsy using archetypes such as the romantic, the fool and the hypocrite. She embraces art as a way to solve the innate dilemma of the human condition."
Added on: Apr 27, 2003 | Hits: 14849
Doug Uptmor With my masks, I do not seek to capture or render some external truth. Instead, I seek to give form to raw emotion, raw memory
Added on: Apr 09, 2001 | Hits: 14865
Kai's wonderful art pieces are reminiscent of fairytale daydreams and unforgettable nightmares. Whether whimsical or scary, his fascinating images possess dramatic presence and incite imagination. Much attention is given to the refinement of composition and subtle detail in every disguise. Abundant feathers and bright colors project elements of delicate boldness. Jeweled and reflective surfaces dance with the light. Wherever worn or displayed, KaiMasks command attention, elicit admiration and engage conversation. Hide behind a KaiMask and enter the dimension called FANTASY...
Added on: May 30, 2002 | Hits: 14890
Personal masks are commissioned by individuals wishing to have a mask created for them. It denotes who they are at the time, what lesson or lessons they need to work with or on, or who they are in this lifetime. Vision Masks are masks that are inspired by a vision, a dream, and/or a knowing. They tell a story, give a message, or teach a lesson. Dawn has been inspired to create sixteen vision masks. There are four series, and each series contains four masks: Earth Mother which inspires healing Native Tradition which speaks of the four directions of the medicine wheel African Heritage which promotes family tradition Mystery Way which inspires the admiration for God and the Universe
Added on: Apr 03, 2003 | Hits: 14897
website under construction. Lindsay has a BA in Art History and Practice as well as a B.S. in Anthropology from Northwestern University. She spent 2 years in Niger, West Africa where she studied with traditional wood-workers, mask-makers, batik artists and silversmiths. Rust has collaborated with BOXTALES on numerous mask and theater projects. In 2000, BOXTALES invited Rust to design the visual world for Jambo Watoto - a collection of East and West African tales. Much of the work that she completed for Jambo was influenced by her experiences living and working in Niger, West Africa from 1996 to 19'98. Most recently, Rust collaborated with Boxtales on Waters of the Earth: Multicultural Tales of the Sea. Designed to depict various characters from seafaring mythologies around the world, this collection of masks and props reflects Rust's continually developing artistic style.
Added on: Jun 09, 2002 | Hits: 14935
This is Vernon Kostohryz' Mexican Hall of Fame Site where he posts his Mexican Mask of the Month selection and a few honorable mentions.
Added on: Apr 06, 2006 | Hits: 14974
Don Pongracz is Haida-Gwaii of the Old Massett Band on the Queen Charlotte, Islands. His cultural heritage has always been important to him. engineer). Don has learned from his own culture, as a child, from Elders on the Port Simpson Reserve, and has carved with such known native artisans as Glen Wood and Joe Peters Jr. Don's carvings are reflective of a lifetime of study.
Added on: Dec 29, 2000 | Hits: 14987
The ancient shamanic rite of mask-making is a powerful healing ritual to awaken to archetypal energies and rebalance energies. It is a process of going into a quiet meditative state to call upon the unconscious forces to surface. The image is "dreamed" into the mask as it is molded to one's face. Then through the art of designing the mask, the energies surface in the conscious mind enabling you to work with them in your life and awaken you to deeper and higher states of awareness. I am available to do individual one-on-one mask-making healings or mask-making workshops.
Added on: Feb 02, 2001 | Hits: 15016
"My heritage and respect for the beliefs and culture of Native Americans has inspired me to represent their world in my creations. Each work of art has a legend, and is designed and completely handmade by myself just as my ancestors have made them for centuries. Each feather and every brushstroke is placed with passion and an extreme admiration for my forefathers, the 'First Americans'. I am affiliated with the Cherokee Archives of America, National American Indian Enrollment Agency, and the National Association of Fine Artists. "
Added on: Dec 29, 2000 | Hits: 15076
Besides being a scientist, Prof. Mosko Moskov has several performances in art. He takes up poetry, painting and the art of making masks. He is the author of the poetry collection: "Life and I ,death and I, my Ego and I". In the fields of fine arts he has created more than 100 pieces of art - 70 of them you can see in this site. Prof. Moskov has made masks for 30 years, now, by using materials that he has gathered from the see coast or taken from the see itself. These materials are see-shells, periwinkles, animal bones, stones as well as industrial wastes.
Added on: Apr 09, 2001 | Hits: 15077
Reinaldo Rodr?guez es un artista mayag?ezano del Barrio Quebrada Grande. A principios del 2000 realiz? una destacada exposici?n en la galer?a Arte y M?scaras del Viejo San Juan. All? exhibi? una colecci?n de m?scaras y pinturas. Esta incluye desde m?scaras en bolsas de estraza hasta imponentes y melenudos vejigantes.
Added on: Jan 17, 2001 | Hits: 15085
We are a group of maskmakers, makeup artists, puppets and props makers. We do prosthetics, props, puppets and masks in diferent materials depending on your special demand.
Added on: Jan 18, 2001 | Hits: 15112
Mit seiner Vielfalt und Detailpflege beeindruckt der umfangreiche Kost?m-Fundus, von dessen 70j?hriger Geschichte ?ber 250.000 Kost?me und Uniformen erz?hlen. Diese Schatzkammer birgt originale Kleidungsst?cke von der Jahrhundertwende bis in die Neuzeit sowie sorgf?ltig angefertigte historische Kost?me aus studioeigenen Werkst?tten
Added on: Apr 09, 2001 | Hits: 15193