Category: Start / Maskmakers
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Inspired by the vast legacy of the Mexican mask tradition, it has been my intention to create a new type of mask to suit the sensibility of modern man and to reintegrate its use in society as a vital means of cultural and artistic expression. By blending figurative realism with natural elements, a new image is gestated which is simultaneously human and animal. This new mask strips away our civilized veneer in order to stress our instinctual impulses. A symbolic link is established between man and nature which echoes a primal message of man's dependency on animals and a cosmic order. The furs and horns can be likened to the NAGUAL (an Aztec tem used to describe the Guardian Spirit of Man), while emphasizing his animal characteristic and nature. Thus the term NAGUAL MASK is used to describe this modern style of mask.
Added on: Mar 31, 2003 | Hits: 16167
Zarco, a native Arizonan, is a mask maker, muralist, sculptor, painter, musician, and community arts advocate. He has exhibited throughout Mexico and the U.S. Zarco has blended Japanese, Balinese, and Chicano techniques into this play to create his own unique style of performance art.
Added on: Jun 11, 2002 | Hits: 15594
wood sculpture, tikis, masks, and art designs.
Added on: Dec 29, 2000 | Hits: 18896
Here you can see a new masks collection ( 2006 )just came from Vietnam last month!!! These masks are hand made in Vietnam by the two artists, Tran Quoc Bao and Ngoc Vong. They are made out of wood, hand carved and hand painted. These masks have are designed by the artist with the inspiration of the famous vietnamese characters in theatre and literature.
Added on: Mar 01, 2006 | Hits: 17363
Masks: Masks are not ornamental. I will never believe that they are. They are absolutely functional. In that sense, I suppose they cannot be considered fine art. But equally clearly they are more than craft. This then, puts masks in a particular category along with the petroglyphs of cave art, magical objects, and some religious art. Masks have a special function, an intent to enable and transform. When someone puts on a mask, he or she intends to become someone or something else, whether in play or in serious intent. In that transformation the person intends to gain power or insight.
Added on: Jan 22, 2001 | Hits: 15335
( Workshops as well) Besuchen sie mich im Atelier in Steinen wo Masken aller Art hergestellt werden. Wachs- Traditionsmasken, Drahtgittermasken Theatermasken, Masken f?r Guggenmusigen usw.
Added on: Jan 22, 2001 | Hits: 18511
Maler und Grafiker HANS-GERHARD BL?DORN mit der Technik der RADIERUNG - von dem freischaffenden K?nstler - - mit Photos -
Added on: Apr 09, 2001 | Hits: 17811
Val Marten holds degrees from both the Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale and Salisbury University. Her creative work has been enhanced by exposure to different cultural systems through an abiding interest in anthropology, and international travel and study. She is not a specialist in one material or technique.
Added on: Jan 13, 2001 | Hits: 18289
The magic fascination of Venice is its history, its past, its ever-lasting tradition; it gives life to precious and special forms of art. Of all the expressive forms, the mask is the object which most represents the Venetian spirit, a spirit of feasting and enjoyment. In the wake of this tradition,in Calle dei Nomboli near S. Tom?, opposite the house in which Carlo Goldoni was born,GUALTIERO DALL'OSTO, a graduate of the Accademy of Fine Arts of Venice, keeps this ancient art of mask- making alive in his TRAGICOMICA workshop.
Added on: Jan 03, 2001 | Hits: 17255
Fabulous Venice Masks - on line sale.The work of Tragicomica stems from its in-depth high quality of the products and proposals. The activity of Tragicomica splits up in the craftman' realization of masks, costumes, stage elements and in the organization of workshops, Parties and Mask Balls
Added on: Dec 03, 2001 | Hits: 16993
maskmaker and sculptor specializing in leather and wood. Trained by Donato Sartori, Italy and Ida Bagus Anom, Bali. Site with links
Added on: Dec 29, 2000 | Hits: 19201
Mask making is another of my life long passions. My masks are original works which are often influenced by masks from other cultures. Because masks can function as transformational tools, I make only wearable masks that are comfortable to use for all types of performance work. (You can also see some of my work displayed at masks.org.)
Added on: May 30, 2002 | Hits: 15236
The Mask Studio is a place where masks are designed and made for theatrical productions and carnivals. We make them for actors and kids, or whoever places an order.
Added on: Dec 27, 2000 | Hits: 18430
The first time I saw Michelangelo's David I was five years old. The second time I saw it I was thirteen and it shocked me because of how much it had shrunk. Michelangelo wrote - 'Whoever does not like the leaves ought not to come here in May.' The story is time, cronos, circular time. The size and shape of things change. Everything influences me even in its absence. Without the memories that I have developed through time I would be a child freshly born...no, I would be just-conceived. I am always building on this story and working toward the end of it, may it be death or forgetfulness. I end up spending a large portion of my time making things that seem to have little purpose like paintings, sculptures, masks, and music. I get absorbed in them and trough them. I sometimes brush up against that being before memory started...if memory started. It's like digging to find a hole.?
Added on: Feb 26, 2001 | Hits: 17604
"Her soft, colorful masks are still decorated in the old style, using virtually anything at hand. But instead of the broken jewelry, bird feathers, and animal bones her ancestors might have gathered on their farms, Launey "scavenges? at the craft supply section of her local Wal-Mart. She might use a plastic snake for a tongue or shoulder pads for lips"
Added on: Apr 03, 2001 | Hits: 14681
Mit seiner Vielfalt und Detailpflege beeindruckt der umfangreiche Kost?m-Fundus, von dessen 70j?hriger Geschichte ?ber 250.000 Kost?me und Uniformen erz?hlen. Diese Schatzkammer birgt originale Kleidungsst?cke von der Jahrhundertwende bis in die Neuzeit sowie sorgf?ltig angefertigte historische Kost?me aus studioeigenen Werkst?tten
Added on: Apr 09, 2001 | Hits: 15193
" I would like to share these masks that Stormy, my Fall/Winter-season intern made at the end of her internship, and since then. I think her work is absolutely fantastic, and I want you all to tell her how much you like it too. :) " Goblin Art
Added on: Oct 04, 2002 | Hits: 15361
Beautiful Venetian masks. "As an Art Shaman, Farago conjures a world of drama, irony, and whimsy using archetypes such as the romantic, the fool and the hypocrite. She embraces art as a way to solve the innate dilemma of the human condition."
Added on: Apr 27, 2003 | Hits: 14849
Each Powermask is made from the wood of the Queen Palm that grows in South West Florida. As the artist feels each piece of palm wood she holds it until she senses the essence or the spirit of the wood. A story and/or lessons about life are taught through the use of etchings and multi colored paintings. Those who are engaged in their own desire for improvement and spiritual growth can use the Power Masks as an adjunct tool/technique for meditation and visualization. The artist feels the Masks can be helpful in trying to reduce the stress of daily life.
Added on: May 12, 2002 | Hits: 15667
The ancient shamanic rite of mask-making is a powerful healing ritual to awaken to archetypal energies and rebalance energies. It is a process of going into a quiet meditative state to call upon the unconscious forces to surface. The image is "dreamed" into the mask as it is molded to one's face. Then through the art of designing the mask, the energies surface in the conscious mind enabling you to work with them in your life and awaken you to deeper and higher states of awareness. I am available to do individual one-on-one mask-making healings or mask-making workshops.
Added on: Feb 02, 2001 | Hits: 15016
Background information on Native American sculptor Edward Ned Bear (Plains Cree) from Canada. Interacrtive masks (3) rotates side to side by mouse cursor, once selected on homepage. Some audio provided.
Added on: May 18, 2005 | Hits: 19632
Since 1986 Jeff Semmerling and Sonja Schaefer have marketed their comfortable, durable, quality mask art. write us about the Chicago Mask adn Puppet Market Masks designed and contructed by Jeff Semmerling and Sonja Schaefer are made of leather, feathers, and other quality materials. ... Beskrivelse: Masks in leather, feathers, and other materials. Online catalog.
Added on: Apr 07, 2003 | Hits: 18567
Masks for costuming and collecting in papier mache, fiberglass, and other materials by artist Carrie Rouillard. Full head, three dimensional animal masks a specialty.
Added on: Nov 30, 2001 | Hits: 18139
collection of the Artwork of Ryan Miller, including sculptures, masks, creepy makeups, drawings and more!! If you like cool stuff check us out!!
Added on: Mar 17, 2002 | Hits: 15886
We have been making the masks & the dolls in New Orleans for 16 years now. All our custom made dolls & masks are tastefully designed by us . We could make any color, any size & any design that you desire . We have carefully designed our unique hand made masks and dolls with reasonable prices.
Added on: Apr 09, 2001 | Hits: 14775