Category: Start / Maskmakers
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Maier has exhibited his works at many Native American Shows, including the Denver Western Art Show and Red Earth in Oklahoma City.
Added on: Jan 17, 2001 | Hits: 15004
Arttherapy,Performances, Exhibitions, Workshops, Education. Jeder Mensch kann im k?nstlerischen Handeln das heilende Element erfahren: In der ganzen Menschheitsgeschichte, in allen Kulturen wurde Kunst immer in Zusammenhang mit Heilen gebracht. Rhytmische, t?nzerische, theatralische Elemente, Masken, Skulpturen, Bilder, Musik, Poesie sind urspr?nglich Ausdruck von Heilritualen.
Added on: Nov 21, 2002 | Hits: 14635
Reinaldo Rodr?guez es un artista mayag?ezano del Barrio Quebrada Grande. A principios del 2000 realiz? una destacada exposici?n en la galer?a Arte y M?scaras del Viejo San Juan. All? exhibi? una colecci?n de m?scaras y pinturas. Esta incluye desde m?scaras en bolsas de estraza hasta imponentes y melenudos vejigantes.
Added on: Jan 17, 2001 | Hits: 15691
Handcrafted masks by award winning artist Alyssa Ravenwood. Masks for performance and masquerade. Expressive theater masks: Commedia masks, Greek Theater masks, Character masks. Beautiful fantasy masks for Renaissance Fairs, Halloween and Mardi Gras.
Added on: Sep 17, 2004 | Hits: 18068
Don Pongracz is Haida-Gwaii of the Old Massett Band on the Queen Charlotte, Islands. His cultural heritage has always been important to him. engineer). Don has learned from his own culture, as a child, from Elders on the Port Simpson Reserve, and has carved with such known native artisans as Glen Wood and Joe Peters Jr. Don's carvings are reflective of a lifetime of study.
Added on: Dec 29, 2000 | Hits: 15540
Besides being a scientist, Prof. Mosko Moskov has several performances in art. He takes up poetry, painting and the art of making masks. He is the author of the poetry collection: "Life and I ,death and I, my Ego and I". In the fields of fine arts he has created more than 100 pieces of art - 70 of them you can see in this site. Prof. Moskov has made masks for 30 years, now, by using materials that he has gathered from the see coast or taken from the see itself. These materials are see-shells, periwinkles, animal bones, stones as well as industrial wastes.
Added on: Apr 09, 2001 | Hits: 15591
Artisanat d'art > Quelques-unes de ses r?alisations : masques, sculptures, meubles et marqueterie. Tarifs en ligne.
Added on: Feb 11, 2001 | Hits: 15341
Dancer Mime Clown Mask Maker Musician Actor "A man of numerous identities and talents, who mesmerized audiences with his unusual forms of body art." + video clips
Added on: May 01, 2002 | Hits: 15125
The story behind these theatermasks is inspired by pressecion (an astronomical greatness) in relation to the ancient greeks which where (one of) the first to use masks to emphasize a character to stand out in a large crowd (at amphitheatres).
Added on: Jun 03, 2002 | Hits: 15291
"Her work explores the most personal, yet universal, of human issues, those not easily articulated, but clearly existing in memory, instantly, and often disturbingly, intuited and recognized by the viewer. " from artist web - resume
Added on: Jan 16, 2001 | Hits: 16421
Hi, I live in the U.S., and I am an Aviculturist. I have been studying on my own how to make masks and I find it fascinating. So far have made about 20, and most of them have feathers from my peacocks, parrots, and other Avian friends, when they molt.
Added on: Jul 20, 2001 | Hits: 15121
Fabulous hand made original masks featuring wild and endangered animals. African Lion, Lowland Gorilla, Siberian Tiger, and others. New designs for Mardi Gras 2001: Lion Of Steel, Sea Witch, Society Pigs, Fire and Ice, Brass Jester, others. Great gifts, award winning fantasy. Beautiful to wear or display.
Added on: Jan 10, 2001 | Hits: 19125
This is a series of Mask exhibition by the founders of www.artilysis.com. This listing is only a glance, the entire series contains more 2000+ decorative Masks.
Added on: Apr 25, 2006 | Hits: 16997
Quite litterally: Singing masks. Composer and maskmaker just go take a look! This is fabulous. "Much of the power and impact of Lowrey's work comes from the combination of archetypal material (in the appearance of the masks, gestures, and the sounds of water, percussion, and voice) and the collective participation of the audience. The pieces drew the listeners into various modes of parrticipation in a structurally strong and rightly intuitive flow of events. In that envelope of dreamtime, we listeners experienced a collective deep consciousness. This is music that transforms and heals."
Added on: May 23, 2002 | Hits: 15248
Nina Barlow has been making paper and pulp masks since 1989. Using her skills as sculptor, tailor, and patternmaker, she creates powerfully expressive characters for theatrical and decorative use.
Added on: Dec 29, 2000 | Hits: 15938
"My heritage and respect for the beliefs and culture of Native Americans has inspired me to represent their world in my creations. Each work of art has a legend, and is designed and completely handmade by myself just as my ancestors have made them for centuries. Each feather and every brushstroke is placed with passion and an extreme admiration for my forefathers, the 'First Americans'. I am affiliated with the Cherokee Archives of America, National American Indian Enrollment Agency, and the National Association of Fine Artists. "
Added on: Dec 29, 2000 | Hits: 15600
Vendita e Laboratorio Artigianale di Maschere ... "Handmade mask production and sell made of papier mach?, leather and ceramics, for carnival, theatre and interior decoration. Tipycal venitian objects creation and decoration wood handmaden. Necklaces, drowings and sculptures by request."
Added on: Apr 26, 2001 | Hits: 15286
This site is for a gallery of masks of different types and genres, from Commedia dell Arts to Neutral, Four Temperaments to Naiive. It also includes workshops on making and using masks, and the application of masks in psychodrama and psychotherapy.
Added on: Jun 25, 2013 | Hits: 15294
This is Vernon Kostohryz' Mexican Hall of Fame Site where he posts his Mexican Mask of the Month selection and a few honorable mentions.
Added on: Apr 06, 2006 | Hits: 15517
Creaturiste builds creatures. Concentrating on puppets and masks, he also likes to bring both of these worlds together. Come see his living masks, which have the unexplained magical property of changing character and gender with each new wearer. Creaturiste loves to share techniques! Custom orders and personalising touches on already made masks are encouraged!
Added on: Aug 14, 2004 | Hits: 16143
Although my ceramic masks are not wearable, I believe that they are part of the maskmaking tradition. There are stories, there are ideas, there is life.
Added on: Jan 16, 2001 | Hits: 18107
"As a member of the Isleta Pueblo, located approximately 15 miles south of Albuquerque, New Mexico and the Indian Arts and Crafts Association, I strive to bring to you the finest quality authentic American Indian Art that I can create."
Added on: Jan 24, 2001 | Hits: 15307
Kai's wonderful art pieces are reminiscent of fairytale daydreams and unforgettable nightmares. Whether whimsical or scary, his fascinating images possess dramatic presence and incite imagination. Much attention is given to the refinement of composition and subtle detail in every disguise. Abundant feathers and bright colors project elements of delicate boldness. Jeweled and reflective surfaces dance with the light. Wherever worn or displayed, KaiMasks command attention, elicit admiration and engage conversation. Hide behind a KaiMask and enter the dimension called FANTASY...
Added on: May 30, 2002 | Hits: 15372