West Coast Native Indian Art incorporates the use of design and legends to create a unique look unique any other art form in the world. It is strongly characterized by even distribution of weight and movement, so space-filling using traditional forms and legendary figures is an important principle of this art ......... the curve of a fin, may become the beak of a bird whose eye will contain a spirit design and so on. Although traditional ovoid shapes, eye, claw and feather shapes are used, each individual artist incorporates these shapes to his own advantage along with some of his own designs to create unique pieces of art which distinguish his work from others. The symbols of the Native Cultures of the northwest have similar meanings, although the legends associated with them may be slightly different. These explanations are meant to be a guide to a better understanding of what each symbol stands for.
Category: Mask tradition
Added on: May 31, 2002 | Hits: 25122
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